Friday 27 January 2012

Another ideas for doillies

I have been crochetting more and more this late and it gives me a big of pleasure. Changing purpose and expanding design from the old crochet basic pattern just more indulging myself.
Taking photograph of those what I made in any pose and angle are something different that I need to learn more and more, but really enjoying them.
It's friday and I was sick for almost 3 days, feverish, raining nose, needled head, it's not getting better but it's okay I let the little friend called fluvirus to attack me and their counter friends will build the immune for me :)

I have finished a couple of things and haven't had any time to put it on my friendly friend 'blog'. Just to share you my ideas to all my lovely crochetter friends.
I have included some photograph and maybe will add it up sometime later (need to go to a birthday pary - with my blocking nose :() hope you like the finished photoes and the ideas, it might be inspired little bit girly, old fashioned, victorian, feminine.
Love to hear your ideas, have a great weekend ladies!

reading my fairies story book

it's getting late and dark

pink rose on the onderzetter saucer

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